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Strong Roots Yoga

***Offers yoga classes for cancer patients at any stage of treatment

Many of the top hospitals in the U.S. now offer special yoga classes to their cancer patients. This list includes hospitals such as M.D. Anderson and Memorial Sloan-Kettering. This integrated therapy has been shown to ameliorate some of the side effects of treatment. Patients report increased energy and strength, less nausea, greater range of motion and a reduction in anxiety.

***Offers yoga classes for post stroke patients

Yoga therapy has been shown to help regain strength and balance to stroke survivors. Specific tools are used to help reestablish neural pathways and help with memory, focus and concentration.

***Provides yoga therapy services for optimal health   

Yoga therapy has been recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) as an adjunct integrative modality. Yoga therapy is designed for a specific problem or ailment and individual tools are provided to the client so they can be active in their own health and healing.




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